To celebrate the upcoming holidays, I wanted to post this gem from Cocteau Twins.
I’m not really sure where I first heard the Cocteau Twins version of Frosty the Snowman but I searched HARD to find a copy of the Snow CD back in 1993 because I loved the song the minute I heard it. This was before you could order music from Amazon, so finding special releases like this could be tough.
Snow had two songs on it: this one and Winter Wonderland, which I like, but is not nearly as good (IMHO) - so you can go find that one yourself if you are curious.
This one though - the way they have transformed this classic into the signature Cocteau Twins style, making great use of Liz Fraser’s voice and way of singing, is brilliant. My only complaint has always been how damn short it is, But of course, that’s a good complaint to have.
Happy holidays to you and your loved ones and
Happy Listening!
Since the video above does not contain the original artwork, I’m adding it below.